John O’Brien is a Performer, Recording Artist and Songwriter who has been creating music for more than four decades. He has performed all over the world including the US, Madrid, Amsterdam, the Caribbean, Japan, Australia and many other locations. He has also released seven albums. His original recordings have excited the music media with extensive airplay on stations including SiriusXM and multiple streaming platforms including Spotify, YouTube, Deezer and others. His live performing act, “J.O.B.E.”– The JohnOBrienExperienceSM, includes a variety of originals including songs off his acclaimed 2022 Album “Love’s Vexations” which was release to complement his July 2022 6-city UK concert tour where his hit song “The Spider’s Love Web” hit #2 on the UK radio charts, and also songs from his 2019 hit album, “The Love You Need”. Songs off these albums have achieved millions of Spotify streams. Dozens of music critics have applauded his work and his live performances. O’Brien’s previous full-length albums include, “My Revelation” (2015) which was re-released in 2019 including many his most popular originals like the 1998 radio hit “Summer Sun”. He also recently re-released his 2003 album “Quiet Storm”. His previous albums include “Baysiders in Concert – Long Beach New York” (2004), “The Brujon Project” (1998), “3 Ghosts and a Sailors Christmas” (2019), and “John O’Brien with Festival” (1982). O’Brien also released a successful single “Life” with the Crystal Revelation in 1970 that achieved wide radio airplay. He is releasing a new EP late this year and is planning a European concert tour in the 2024!!! We hope to see you there!

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